Do you know you are an important part of a huge environment across the globe? While your interaction with the environment might not be noticeable, you are constantly consuming resources and elements given by nature. Right from drinking fresh water to eating fruits during lunch, you are connected to the environment more than you know.
Environmental science can simply be defined as the interaction between living organisms with their surroundings. It is indeed a large concept where flora, fauna, ecosystems, their effects, and ill effects are all a part of the environment. However, to understand it thoroughly, as high schoolers, you can now involve yourself in unique environmental science activities.
Such activities help high school students connect with crucial elements of the environment and understand their biological and chemical formations too. A thorough understanding of the environment even helps you in acquiring environmental scholarships in the future. In this article, you get to explore interesting activities that test your knowledge right from environmental aspects in your lunchbox to the alarming concerns of the world.
Engaging environmental science activities
Environmental science is the coexistence of many forms of nature from humans to wildlife. It is essential for students to preserve the environment and this can be taught through the below-mentioned innovation activities.
1. Plantation Drive

One of the most common activities for the environment is always going green. Students get an opportunity to learn about different saplings, plants, and trees along with their properties through a plantation drive.
For this activity, provide students with different types of seeds for a plantation drive in the school or a garden. Allow them to explore plantation techniques and different soil types. With such an activity, students learn about the environment and its importance in a green and clean way. Such natural science experiments help high students connect with the ecosystem and the existence of natural elements.
2. Hunt for It!

A scavenger hunt enables high schoolers to connect with nature in an effective manner. For this activity, take students to a forest or a garden nearby. Print pictures of different elements found in nature. These pictures can include pine cones, dry leaves, broken branches, butterflies, and so on.
Divide students into teams of 2 members each and let them find these elements in the surrounding. Invite an open discussion about their experiences with nature. Through this, students learn about the coexistence between nature and humans and how to live a sustainable life.
3. That’s My Bag

Environment conservation begins by eliminating stuff and materials that are harmful to nature. Bags are most commonly used in everyday life for grocery shopping and storing things. Hence, this activity focuses on shifting the plastic alternative to something more sustainable.
For this activity, students need to open their creative mindsets and think out of the box. It is about designing handbags that can be used instead of plastic bags. For example, students can use paper or cloth to make bags. Encourage them to use old clothes or other fabrics for this bag-making activity. In this way, they can do their bit towards a healthy environment.
4. Field Trip

Field trips are often an interesting way for students to get out of their everyday academic life and learn something fresh. By organizing a field trip, you can help students learn about the environment and its coexistence in everyday life. For this activity, you need to find a local recycling center.
Take students to this center and let them learn the process of recycling. After keen observation and thorough questioning, students need to prepare an elaborate report on recycling and its benefits. Since the environment is a big part of the globe, even a small contribution towards recycling can bring about a significant change in the world.
5. Lunchbox Audit

Protection of the environment starts from the home. Every choice you make creates a lasting impact on the environment. This activity focuses on explaining to students the possible alternatives in terms of their lunchbox and the food they consume.
For this activity, every student must be paired with another student. Both students need to audit each other’s lunchboxes to see how small steps can impact the environment. For example, if the food requires a lot of plastic packaging, it can be switched to healthier options. Similarly, it is ideal to use steel boxes instead of processed plastic. Students need to note such points and present the audit findings to the class.
6. Do It Yourself!

DIY is a popular concept among learners in current times. To conserve the environment and its resources, it is crucial to recycle, upcycle or reduce the wastage generated on an everyday basis. For this activity, ask students to research waste reduction and how they can reuse the materials.
Students need to collect the waste from their homes and bring it to the school. Divide the students into teams of 3 members each. They need to make something creative that is useful and would not lead to waste. For example, instead of throwing plastic bottles, they can cut bottles to make a hanging bird feeder. Art activities like this promote collaborative efforts between students.
7. Debate Begins!

Verbal communication is one of the effective ways to let students express their thoughts with freedom. A debate enables students to think creatively and use their analytical thinking skills. For this activity, divide the students into teams of 3 members each. Two teams need to compete with one another.
Now, write different topics on chits and put these chits in a box. These topics can be related to climate change, marine life, ecosystems, deforestation, or plastic pollution. Teams pick the chit and choose if they want to speak for or against the topic. Invite other students to contribute their views and feedback. Such communication activities help promote language and grammar skills.
8. Energy Audit

Energy consumption is one of the alarming causes of environmental conservation practices. It is important for students to be aware of how energy is consumed and where. For this activity, students play the role of energy auditor in their schools as well as homes.
Give a sheet of paper and ask them to make different rows on the sheet. They need to make a list of products or appliances that consume energy in the school and house. Ask them to mention the time taken by various appliances and how it affects the consumption pattern. Together, encourage students to discuss how energy consumption can be reduced.
9. Wildlife Rehabilitation

Animals are an important part of the environment and students often do not understand how they play a significant role in the ecosystem. This activity helps students dive into the learning world where they can understand codependency and coexistence between animals. For this activity, arrange a visit to a wildlife rehabilitation center.
Wildlife rehab is one where students get an opportunity to learn about injured animals and the care required for them. It provides exposure to how animals are saved and are a crucial part of society. Such activity enables students to understand the conservation efforts needed for wildlife. You may later ask them to make a presentation on their visit.
10. Models and More!

Students have different ideas on the topic of environmental science. The vast subject covers everything from pollution, marine life to global warming and climate change. In such a case, it is essential to offer freedom in the expression of their vision toward a clean and green future. For this activity, divide students into teams of 2 members each.
After this, let them choose the preferable topics to make a model on. For example, students can choose topics like greenhouse gasses, conservation of marine life, climate change, soil pollution, and sustainable agriculture. Organize an environmental science fair and allow students to showcase their ideas and share their knowledge with other students. Agriculture activities like this one help students focus on various aspects of farming, cultivation, and so on.
Environmental science is a vital aspect of learning for students. As students get exposure to interconnecting with nature, they also explore their interests in conservation and protection of the environment. It helps them develop a liking for a certain field that they might be willing to explore in the future.
The above-mentioned activities play a major role in imparting knowledge, building imagination, and empowering students to do their bit toward the conservation of natural resources.

Sananda Bhattacharya, Chief Editor of TheHighSchooler, is dedicated to enhancing operations and growth. With degrees in Literature and Asian Studies from Presidency University, Kolkata, she leverages her educational and innovative background to shape TheHighSchooler into a pivotal resource hub. Providing valuable insights, practical activities, and guidance on school life, graduation, scholarships, and more, Sananda’s leadership enriches the journey of high school students.
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