Transferring High Schools In Senior Year: Points To Remember

Transferring High Schools Senior Year

As high school seniors, you might have invested so much time, effort, and life into your education, relationships, and extracurricular activities. However, sometimes life happens, and we find ourselves in a situation where transferring to high schools during your senior year becomes a necessary option. The thought of leaving our comfort zone and starting fresh can … Read more

10 Workplace Scenarios For High School Students

Workplace scenarios for high school students

Welcome, high school students, to the vibrant and exciting world of work! As you begin to explore the many career paths available to you, it’s important to remember that the workplace is full of opportunities for growth, learning, and yes, even fun. From collaborating with creative colleagues to tackling challenging projects, from making a positive … Read more

10 Important Tips For Parents Of High School Freshman

10 Important Tips For Parents Of High School Freshman

High School, as daunting as the words might sound, the phase is nerve-wracking yet exciting similar for both the teens and the parents. Being the official start and a transition to adulthood, the kids might feel overburdened with work, responsibilities, and the pressure to carve their future in these years of high school. However, with … Read more

GED vs SAT: ELI5 The Difference

GED vs SAT: ELI5 The Difference

GED and SAT are standardized assessments conducted throughout the US and Canada. These assessments gauge the extent to which a person understands the high school coursework and where they stand academically. If you want to take up further studies and wish to join college, you may have to take either one or both tests depending … Read more