70 Helpful High School Teacher Hacks

The huge amount of responsibility that our high school teachers bear on their shoulders to ensure the students utilize their potential to the maximum is commendable. Having said that, our teachers, with all their superhuman energy, are still just humans after all!  An effective hack here and there can reduce both their time and effort, … Read more

3 Sample Letters to Parents Seeking Donations for Teachers’ Gifts

Letters to Parents asking for Donations for Teachers’ Gifts

The contribution of a teacher to the overall development of a child is priceless. They dedicate time, energy, and passion to stimulating young minds and shaping the future of countless children throughout their lives. As such, it is important to show our gratitude to our teachers in the best way possible.  There are several ways … Read more

40 Critical Thinking Questions for High School Students

Critical Thinking Questions for High School Students

How is electricity being produced from rainwater or do aliens exist if there are so many discoveries about them? High school students are certain to come across queries that question reality, everyday rules, general human existence, or anything out of nowhere!  Young minds are filled with an amazing potential to explore beyond their capabilities and … Read more

10 Law Enforcement Internships For High School Students

Law Enforcement Internships for High School Students

Do you have a knack for efficiently presenting your argument and winning your side? The thirst for understanding the law, discovering a case, or solving mysteries can now be practiced and fulfilled with helpful internships. High school is a crucial stage where you need to decide on your next step toward your career and passion. … Read more

Printable High School Freshman Resume Template [PDF Included]

High School Freshman Resume Template

Entering freshman level is an overwhelming experience in itself. Along with the introduction of complex subjects, concepts, assignments, projects, and many more, students are introduced to the real corporate world where they’re required to create and maintain a resume to present themselves and their capabilities. It is not only writing about your skill set, or … Read more

8 Online Financial Literacy Games For High School Students

financial literacy games for high school students

The cost of college and tuition fees have exponentially increased in the past year. This has resulted in an increased need for student loans. Research supported by Forbes states that more than half the students leave college with the burden of student debts on them. Although there are several scholarships available for meritorious students such … Read more

10 Short Thank You Letter Samples For Teachers

Short thank you letter samples for teachers

Teachers contribute immensely to the growth and overall development of a child. They leave a lasting impact and their teachings and values take students far ahead in life. School is considered the second home of a student and teachers as the second mother. They guide students through some of the most chaotic and unpredictable times … Read more

First Day Of School Checklist For Teachers [PDF Included]

First Day School Checklist For Teachers

Be it the first day at school after a long vacation, say a summer break or a winter break, or the first day of a new academic session, both are a mixed bag of emotions for teachers and students. Holidays can provide an enthralling experience and usually come as a much-needed break after term examinations … Read more