30 Thought-provoking Quotes & Captions On Junior Year Of High School

When in junior year of high school, students might have all sorts of questions, doubts, and feelings. From the apprehensions about whether or not they have chosen the right majors to constantly having the emotions of another year entering and the students transitioning into senior year. At the same time, this also is the year when students need to plan in advance and think about what they wish to pursue after their senior year, as they transition into college and apply for internships.

In such situations, capturing these moments can be exemplary. Simply because, these feelings, this year and a time like junior year of high school will never return. However, with capturing the pictures comes the challenge of captioning it with quotes and interesting captions. Hence, in this post, we will talk about the various quotes and captions that students can use for their junior-year of high school pictures. 

Junior Year Of High School Quotes

Quotes can be a great way to keep the motivation and zeal alive in students, even during the toughest days. Hence, teachers can print out these below and stick in the class, and inspire the students. 

  1. Graduation is so close, yet so far.
  2. The thought of leaving school at the end of this year and hopefully going to college just hit me, and its quite scary, to be honest, but I like it. 
  3. Keep calm and get through your junior year.
  4. Just send my report card to my senior self. 
  5. Freshmen Year: Many friends. Sophomore Year   A lot of friends. Junior Year   Some friends. Senior Year   A few good friends 
  6. No matter how long you’ve been in college, there are some things you just don’t understand about juniors.     
  7. Junior year is like the Thursday night of college. It’s the beginning of the end.     
  8. That moment when you realize that you are nothing like your freshman self.     
  9. The real test is getting through junior year without wishing you were a senior every waking second.     
  10. Yesterday, I was a freshman. Today, I woke up a junior. Maybe tomorrow I’ll be a senior.     
  11. Wake me up when it’s time to graduate or if we have a pop quiz.     
  12. When you’re a junior, you’ll wish you were a senior. When you’re a senior, you’ll want to press rewind.     
  13. They said the junior year would be a breeze, they lied.
  14. I was trying to fit in for so long until about my Junior year of high school when I realized that trying to fit into this one image of perfection was never going to make me happy. – Maiara Walsh
  15. I’m not new, and I’m not leaving just yet. I’m a junior.

Junior Year Of High School Captions for Social Media

Since we live in a digital era, students might want to upload some junior high school pictures to keep the memories alive at all times. But, the real struggle comes in when they start searching for captions. Hence, here are some captions that can be uploaded with the pictures on social media:

  1. Hey, are we there yet?
  2. Here’s to junior year and the many adventures not yet taken.
  3. Sophomore year was the best, but Junior year will be the greatest.
  4. All my life I’ve been waiting for, I’ve been praying for a junior year like this. My Junior Year.
  5. As a junior year student, my favorite words are ‘free’ and ‘canceled’.
  6. Keep calm and get through your junior year.
  7. The dream is free. The hustle is sold separately.
  8. Better days are coming. They are called Saturday and Sunday.
  9. I put the ‘fresh’ in freshman.
  10. Current mood: junior high school.
  11. Junior year is like the Thursday night of college. It’s the beginning of the end.
  12. I’m not new, and I’m not leaving just yet. I’m a junior.
  13. A year we won’t forget
  14. We don’t stop going to school when we graduate.
  15. Let’s just say that I am getting all of the campus freebies this year.

Summing up

Junior high school can be one of the greatest years in a student’s life. This is the time when the young adult is a long way from where they started, but close to the finishing line. Hence, some quotes and captions can be absolutely appropriate for such times when the student either wants to get motivated or use some wise words to follow along with some crazy memories with friends. Hence, embrace your junior year with the above-mentioned quotes and captions.

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